Monday – Friday
10am – 6pm

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Serving the Bend, Oregon area

Monday – Friday
10am – 6pm

Practical Psychic & Medium

Experience the healing power of reconnecting with loved ones and gain invaluable guidance from the spiritual realm

Become a Client
photo of Michlle Mejaski and client during a reading


Mediumship: Communicating with loved ones who have passed on.

Psychic Readings: Providing insights and guidance about your life path and future.

Clair Senses: Utilizing all Clair senses (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, etc.) to deliver comprehensive and detailed readings.


$45 for 15 min.  |  $80 for 30 min.  |  $140 for 60 min.

My Practices

My practice stands out due to several unique aspects:

Utilization of All Clair Senses: I harness the full range of Clair senses, offering a depth and breadth of information.

Dual Readings: The ability to provide both psychic and mediumship readings in one session.

Reading Akashic Records: I can access and interpret the Akashic records, providing deeper insights into your soul's journey and life purpose.

Personal Attributes: My compassion, truthfulness, tact, and authenticity.

No Tools Needed: I do not rely on cards or other tools; I am an open channel for Spirit communication.

Your Experience

It is my deepest wish that you feel safe, loved, and at peace during our sessions. I want you to:

Feel Safe: Know that you are in a compassionate, non-judgmental space.

Feel Loved: Sense the unconditional love and support from the Spirit world.

Feel at Peace: Find tranquility and clarity during and after the session.

Feel Clear and Connected: Leave with a clear mind, having experienced a true connection with Spirit, and look forward to the future with a sense of direction and hope.

text graphic that reads: the power of Healing

The primary benefit you will experience through these services is healing. Hearing from a loved one who has passed can bring immense comfort and closure. These conversations may include cherished memories, expressions of love, or heartfelt apologies, providing emotional relief and understanding. Additionally, seeking guidance from Spirit about your life path, understanding what to let go of, and receiving insights on how Spirit perceives your energy can be profoundly enlightening and motivational.

Client Testimonials

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My Principles

Photo of Michelle Mejaski smiling and making a heart with her hands

I adhere to the following principles to ensure the highest quality of service:

Honesty: I will always be honest when connecting with Spirit.

Honor: I will honor you and your loved ones in each reading.

Integrity: I will convey what I hear, see, and feel without judgment or personal interpretation.

Confidentiality: I will always honor your privacy and keep each session confidential.

Practical Information: I am straightforward and to the point. This isn’t fortune telling or story time. Reaching out to Spirit connects me directly to their energy, and I deliver messages without my interpretation. Sessions are tailored to meet your individual needs and are available both in-person and virtually. Each session is conducted with the utmost respect, confidentiality, and professionalism to ensure a meaningful and enriching experience for you.

My Origin Story

Owner Michelle Mejaski

I began to connect during Covid. As with many of you, my jobs shut down. As a professional director and choreographer, shows were canceled. As a tap teacher, classes were canceled.

I found myself for the first time being absolutely still. Like many people I found myself, unfortunately, feeling very lonely and rather isolated. During this time I turned to meditation. Very shortly after meditating I started to feel a very big shift within myself and one that I did not understand. I began to hear voices of loved ones and friends and energies that have passed on. I began to experience knowings about things I could not possibly know. I started to feel a better understanding of the universe, of what happens after a loved one passes, and an understanding of who we are and why we are here.

As I continued meditating things, things got simultaneously more peaceful and also confusing. It's very hard to figure out what spirit energy is and what to do with that frequency when it's brand new and you feel alone. I scheduled a visit with my primary care doctor and told him that I thought I was having a breakdown, he assured me I was not and led me to look into Eastern philosophies. With that, and the help of friends both living and ascended, and my supportive husband, Mike, I continued to dive into the spiritual realm. My aha moment was when my friend and now mentor, Bekah said to me, "Michelle I don't think you're crazy. I think your clairvoyant". And that was the beginning of diving in and understanding what and who and how I was connecting to this amazing loving, divine spiritual vibration.

Portrait photo of Michelle Mejaski with long pink hair, smiling outside.

I am not someone who has been tuned into this since birth or at an early age. I do absolutely believe that we are all born with ability however, unfortunately in most cases, is not nurtured or even recognized and we soon “lose it “ due to our consumed daily lives, conditioning, and in our up bringing. I am me, I am you. I am someone who has always believed in God. An unconditional loving power bigger than imagination. I was just living my life of 45 years when this happened. And once it did, it opened up a whole new world to me that I never want to let go of. Being a Spiritualist, a psychic, and a medium, has given me a peace and a love that I've never known possible.

This is something I would love to share with you, with readings or mentorship or just sitting and having a cup of tea and discussing the amazing universal vibration that is all around us.

Psychic and Mediumship Development Courses

photo of lit candles illuminating plants around them

I also teach psychic and mediumship development courses designed for beginners to hone their abilities. Through guided meditation and connection, you will learn to understand the Clair senses and incorporate them into your life to create inner peace and wonder.

Each class focuses on:
  • Protection and intention
  • Understanding and developing each Clair
  • Receiving and discerning symbols
  • Translating messages and language from Spirit
  • Community Involvement

I am proud to be a part of The Body Mind Spirit Expos, The MeWe Fairs, and Mystic and Metaphysical fairs throughout Oregon and Washington. I am always excited to extend my services to any fairs and festivals.

Follow Readbird Readings on Facebook to learn about upcoming events.

I invite anyone looking to deepen their understanding of their own spiritual connection and explore their intuition, synchronicities, and connection to reach out to me for classes or sessions.

"Under the guidance of Michelle, I have been able to practice and grow in a very safe and welcoming space. She was able to explain things that I couldn't make sense of. She's an excellent teacher and a wonderful mentor. I can't recommend her highly enough."



Call or email to learn more or schedule a reading with Michelle. Please leave a voicemail, messages will be returned within a day or two.


Monday – Friday 10am – 6pm
Serving the Bend, Oregon area

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